Systematic Literature Review for Clinical Evaluation Reports

A Literature Review solution for EU MDR and IVDR whether you need complete reviews or tools to conduct your own.

A Literature Review Process That Fits Your Team

Work With Us On Your Terms

Have some great writing staff already?  Or limited budget?  Plug directly into our process and use our expertise only when you need it.

Full Literature Reviews End to End

Our team of Notified Body Acceptable CER writers can deliver a complete document ready for submission.

Use Our Software

Keep your CERs updated by using our literature review software platform.  It’s like Distiller, but designed exclusively for Medical Device SLRs with no onboarding pain.

Which Literature Review Do You Need?

Full Systematic Literature Review

Our Literature Reviews are designed to be used in EU MDR CERs, or IVDR PERs.

CAPA/Audit Lit Review

Our light speed timelines make our Lit Reivews ideal for sorting out CAPAs during an Audit.

Do It Yourself Review

If you want to conduct your own, use our battle tested Template, and our Software tool to save 10x the hours on your review. 

Do It Yourself Review

If you want to conduct your own, use our battle tested Template, and our Software tool to save 10x the hours on your review. 

Literature Review and Updates: When You Need Them

Imagine having a system and process in place to conduct your searches, store your evaluations, and track updates with ease year after year. For all of your devices. Too good to be true? We don’t think so.

If you already know what you’re doing and just need a system, use our platform. If you are short on time, our team of Notified Body approved Medical Writers are just one click away to take the reigns and complete full Literature Reviews for your submissions.

Medical Device Vigilance
Notifed Body Approved Writers

Our writers have the chops to tackle any classification of device for MDR, and the CVs to submit alongside your final document. Our team has cumulatively written well into the 100s of CERs on all device classifications.

Consistent Updates

Keep your Literature Review, and CER documents updated year after year without worry or hassle.  We keep everything organized and audit ready.

Post Market and Vigilance Data Support

Did we mention our Literature Reviews include Adverse Event and Vigilance Data?

If you have a team and process in place for PMS, great! If you don’t, our comprehensive PMS packages are easily integrated into your CER. All of it meticulously tracked and stored on our platform for you.

Are You Ready to Work With Us?

If You Are:

Short on staff and resources to write and maintain Clinical Evaluation Reports and Systematic Literature Reviews.

Perfectionists that want a consistent system and operating procedure to keep your CER compliant with MDR year after year.

In need of a single centralized platform to securly store your scientific literature, review and trending data over time (for easy updates and audits)

Get Your Literature Review Strategy Sorted Today

View the intricate details of our writing process, our experience and qualifications, and our unheard of guarantee.

What’s included in a CiteMed Literature Review?

Systematic Literature Review

Bring your own, use our software system, or let our experts conduct a bullet-proof SLR for your CER

EU MDR Template and Strategy

We focus exclusively on EU MDR, so you can be assured our template is audit-tested and ready.

Qualified Review

Worried your CV won’t be enough for your auditor? Our writers are all Notified Body approved for submission.

PMS Planning and Reporting

We advise, draft, and execute plans for PMS compliance on all device classifications.  Have your own already? No problem.

Get Ahead of Your Timeline.  Start Today